If you’re looking for a nutritional silver bullet that supports everything from your heart health to your skin, salmon is it! 

This nutrient-dense fish boasts high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin D, selenium, and astaxanthin, which is why it deserves to be the star of your plate 2-3 times per week. 

Plus, by enjoying salmon, you’re also choosing a delicious protein that has a lower carbon footprint than other options like beef. 

What’s not to love?

Here are 10 incredible ways the nutrients in salmon make it a superfood staple: 

1) Supports Healthy Bones & Joints

Salmon is one of the few foods that naturally contains vitamin D, which aids in increasing calcium absorption so you can maintain strong bones. Selenium is another important nutrient in salmon that lessens the activation of cells that break down bones and supports your bone-building cells. The mineral also helps supports your thyroid gland, which produces hormones that play vital roles in bone maintenance. Omega-3s also play a role in reducing joint pain in people with arthritis. 


2) Reduces Inflammation and Disease

Inflammation, which is promoted by omega-6 fatty acids, is necessary for your survival and protects your body from injury and infection. However, when inflammation is chronic, it’s widely believed to be the root cause of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The western diet tends to have a higher amount of omega-6s due to processed seeds and vegetable oils, so it’s important to balance these out by eating foods like salmon that are rich in omega-3s, which are anti-inflammatory. Another factor that makes the body more susceptible to conditions like cancer and heart disease are reactive oxygen species (or ROS, for short). Thankfully, the trace mineral selenium in salmon has the ability to transform ROS into neutral compounds, such as water, so that they don’t react with healthy cells and cause permanent damage. 

3) Combats Bad Cholesterol

Salmon contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that helps decrease triglycerides (bad cholesterol) and increase high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol). It’s also been shown to work in conjunction with omega-3 fatty acids to help ward off inflammation in the brain and nervous system. 

4) Lowers Blood Pressure

Salmon is a fantastic source of potassium –  in fact, the fish contains more potassium than an equivalent amount of banana. This mineral supports in regulating blood pressure and also prevents excess water retention. 

5) Improves Memory & Brain Function

Omega-3s are essential throughout your life and support cognitive function. Studies have shown that children with a healthy level of omega-3s perform better on tests measuring intelligence and brain function, which is why it’s especially important for mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding to have a diet rich in omega-3s. These essential fatty acids are also found in the cell membranes of brain cells, where they protect the membranes and support in the communication between brain cells. It’s important to continue to maintain healthy levels of omega-3s later in life as well, especially to slow brain aging and prevent memory loss. 


6) Improves Mental Health 

Depression has been found to be less prevalent in countries that have diets rich in seafood. Fish like salmon are rich in omega-3s, which can easily move through the brain cell membrane and engage with mood-related molecules inside the brain. Omega-3s also act as an anti-inflammatory, which may help relieve depression and anxiety. 

7) Maintains Healthy Eyesight

In addition to forming the photoreceptors in your eye, omega-3s help alleviate dry eyes and prevent macular degeneration! Salmon also contains niacin, a B-vitamin that lowers your risk of developing cataracts. 

8) Supports Dental Health

Salmon is chock-full of vitamin D, phosphorus, and omega-3s, all of which play critical roles in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. These nutrients prevent cavities and gum disease, rebuild vulnerable spots in your teeth, and promote strong jaw bones. 


9) Promotes Radiant Skin & Hair

Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that combats free radicals that cause skin damage, helping your skin look more vibrant. Astaxanthin prevents water loss and combats UV damage, so if you’re spending time in the sun, it helps to enjoy some salmon beforehand (think of it as “internal sunscreen”). On top of all of that, it also promotes nail and hair growth! 

10) Improves Sleep Quality

DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid in salmon, stimulates melatonin, which is an essential hormone that works with the body’s circadian rhythms to help your body get ready for sleep by sending signals to your body that it’s time for some shut-eye. Salmon also contains vitamin D, which supports your sleep patterns. 

Now that you know about the phenomenal benefits of eating salmon, check out our cooking technique videos to learn lots of ways to enjoy it! 

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